Winfrey Oliver Place Cemetery

Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, United States


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Winfrey Oliver Place Cemetery was once a private family burial ground of Green Wood, who came and purchased land in this tract before the city was even named. It should honestly be listed as Brown Cemetery. In an area of about 200 by 200 were the graves of at least twenty-five or more people. Now there remains but two stones. One for Leonard Abercrombie who was born in 1779 and died in 1837 and a stone erected by the Boy Scout's of America who found a list of burials. The cemetery is accessible through a very small gate on the left side of the church parking lot, behind a yellow home with a detached garage. Got to the end of the parking lot where the grass and block top meet. When you turn into the parking space you should be looking in the direction of Wares Ferry Road. Sometimes the gate is hard to see because it is badly overgrown.
Winfrey Oliver Place Cemetery, Created by robinr3072, Montgomery, Montgomery, Alabama, United States